Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Some of the worst

If I die and go to heaven

I don't do things

I have a certificate

Life is not a solo act

never thought I'd see this day

There is no black

Sentiment is your love

I believe that a trusting attitude

i want ur sweet smile

The life of a man

it 4 u, dont drop it

The chief lesson I have

I think the most important

I have liked many but

Babies don't need a vacation,

SOMETIMES we mUst be

The highest and most

As I watched the ants crawl

Our truest life

Dedicate time to enjoy

It is one of the beautiful

True meaning of love... if its bcoz

It's amazing. Life changes

i cant tell u i love u

Balance, peace, and joy

Never let life impede on your

In this world there are

An armed society is a polite

Im here trying 2 make

Expect trouble as an inevitable

I thought that when

You only have to do

Loving sum1 hu doesn't luv you is like

I think that God gives you your

I try to take away the

I am God's vessel

U know the relationship

Nothing is as important

Simple bye makes us cry